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* Limes
Good Supply
* Crimson
Great supply
* Sweet Potatoes
Good Northern supply
* Baby Broccoli
Good local supply
* Cabbage
* Continental Cucumbers
No demand
* Composite Tomatoes
Good Stanthorpe Fruit
* Broccoli
Good Local & Southern supply
* Wombok
Limited supply going export
* Iceberge Lettuce
Rain & Wind in growing areas
* Red Capsicum
Between crops supply short
* All Mushrooms
Compost problem
* Avocado
Mostly WA fruit
* Salad Onions
Local supply short
* Squash
Rain affected planting
* Zucchini's
Northern supply weak
* Punnet Tomatoes
Rain affected crop
* All Apples
Between rooms (C-A)